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Since 2010, Wellspring is working for the support and restoration of individuals dealing with crises in their lives due to human trafficking, prostitution or other related abusive situations in Cyprus. I’ve decide to join their movement!

Wellspring Association is a register charity in Cyprus fighting against human trafficking, prostitution or other related abusive situations in Cyprus.

I’m joining the campaign “Time to Rebuild” because I also believe it’s time to rebuild our house so we can be able to serve better the Human Trafficking victims in Cyprus.

Wellspring Association seeks to meet the ever changing challenges that Human Trafficking presents.This means being relevant and up to date as they continue to seek justice for those affected by Human Trafficking.

I’m joining their campaign “Time to Rebuild” to cooperate with their new dreams, plans and actions for the future! 

Write your own message

This is where you can write a message for your friends and family. Here are tips to help you craft your message.

  • State the purpose - Describe the campaign or non-profit clearly and note what action you want the reader to take.
  • Make it personal - Write to your personality and fill it with passion. Don\'t make fundraising just about fundraising. Make it about being human.
  • Show your gratitude - Show people that you appreciate their support. Update this message with a big thank you at the end of the campaign, or thank donors personally.
  • Be concise - Messages that are 175 to 225 words in length work the best.
  • Again, thanks for joining the campaign. If you have any technical support issues, feel free to reach us. Thanks!

Wellspring is a registered Non Profit Association in Cyprus (no.4298).
We use Causevox – an Easy-to-use fundraising software. Questions about secure payments?